We are delighted to share that NOMOS Georgia has participated in the Nomad Capitalist 2023 Live event held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Nomad Capitalist Live is the world’s foremost gathering of global citizens discussing second citizenship, legal tax strategies,...
უძრავი ქონების ყიდვა, გაყიდვა, გაქირავება – იურიდიული საკითხები
Რა არის უძრავი ქონება? უძრავ ნივთებს მიეკუთვნება მიწის ნაკვეთი მასში არსებული წიაღისეულით, მიწაზე აღმოცენებული მცენარეები, ასევე, შენობა-ნაგებობანი, რომლებიც მყარად დგანან მიწაზე. უძრავ ნივთზე უფლების წარმოშობის საფუძველია: ნასყიდობის ხელშეკრულება; ჩუქების...
Green Frame vs. White Frame Construction in Georgia
The quality of construction in Georgia has been growing in recent years, with various innovative and sustainable methods being adopted to meet the ever-increasing demand for housing and commercial spaces. One such development is the growing popularity of green frame...
How to Buy Land in Georgia
Located between Europe and Asia lies Georgia, a hidden gem that has recently gained popularity for real estate investments. This article discusses the process of buying land in this attractive Eastern European country. By reading this article, you can gain knowledge...
How to Buy a Car in Tbilisi
Georgia, a country with a rich history and vibrant culture, has experienced consistent growth in its automotive market recently. This guide offers tips for purchasing a car in the bustling city of Tbilisi, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience. With...
Problems Buying Real Estate in Batumi
The city of Batumi, Georgia, is among the most popular destinations for real estate investors and buyers, thanks to its stunning views, lively culture, and abundant tourism potential. However, purchasing real estate in Batumi can be complex, with challenges such...