Top Business Lawyers & Legal Services in Georgia

Driven by excellence

Nomos Georgia is a Tbilisi law firm with a local feel and a global impact. We offer expertise in finding the most efficient legal solutions for your personal and business needs. Our unique approach will help you hurdle even the most difficult obstacles. We pride ourselves in building real relationships with our clients and partnering with them for the long haul. Therefore, our clients are our biggest asset, and customer loyalty is our ultimate goal.

Lika Tsintsabadze

We focus on and have helped national and international clients from Georgia, the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe, and Middle-East with their legal matters in Georgia.


Georgia enjoys a strategic location in the Caucasus region and is a primary spot for investors who want to access both the European and Asian markets. Georgia is an important country for companies operating in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and Central Asia. Not only is it a transport hub in terms of ports and railways, but it is also a significant energy corridor with oil pipelines linking Asia with the rest of Europe. Capital Tbilisi is a subtropical city with a rich history. The sunlight dances across its cobblestone streets. If you are looking for access to this gateway to Europe, you’re going to need the services of a Tbilisi law firm.

The country has uniquely liberal business and trade regimes, minimal taxes, developing infrastructure, and a low crime rate. Georgia ranks 7th in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business ranking. There is a strong political and cultural commitment to simplifying the business. Customs and taxes are streamlined to ensure companies don’t waste time on bureaucracy. It is Europe’s sole territorial tax system. This means that Georgia taxes its residents on Georgian-sourced income only. Georgia has bilateral agreements on investment promotion and mutual protection with 32 countries and has concluded agreements for the avoidance of double taxation with 56 countries. All the more reason to do business here and employ a law firm in Tbilisi, Georgia.

NOMOS is a Tbilisi, Georgia law firm based in the heart of the Georgian capital. We advise and offer legal services to Georgian and international companies, financial institutions, investment funds, governmental entities, public enterprises, and resident/non-resident individuals.

Meet The Founding Partner



At NOMOS, we understand the importance of teamwork to guarantee superior legal representation. NOMOS unites highly-qualified, licensed lawyers with strong legal backgrounds and excellent track records in serving clients. Our team consists of outstanding professionals holding postgraduate degrees from different parts of the world with years of experience in various areas of Georgian and cross-border legislation.


At NOMOS, our success is down to our professionals who provide high-quality legal services to our clients, while focusing on solid results and fixing long-standing problems. Our ability to provide exceptional professional judgment, competence, and innovation differentiates us from other law firms in Georgia. We concentrate on maximum satisfaction of our clients.

Legal Process

NOMOS is a full-scale law firm that provides:

– Verbal and written legal consultations;
– Legal process management;
– Legal drafting of a full range of documents;
– Business negotiations and representation;
– Representing clients at court and in front of governmental bodies;
– The best range of service fees, responsiveness, and efficiency;

Endorsed by Andrew Henderson

“I’ve personally worked with Lika for years and she’s the most knowledgeable, assertive lawyer I’ve found in Tbilisi. Lika’s my go-to resource for legal matters in Georgia.” – Andrew Henderson, Founder of Nomad Capitalist


What Our Clients Say

I highly recommend Lika as a solid resource if one wishes to explore expanding or starting a business while diversifying their global portfolio into Georgia.

Jerry Massey

Investor, United States
At Nomos, we were greeted by Lika, a professional lawyer who is a master of her craft. She offered solutions with great creativity for our case, solutions that were not thought of by the previous legal team we hired. Definitely recommended for whoever wants a high standard of legal services!

Avi Yakobashvili


I was recently referred to Lika and am appreciative that I got the chance to work with her. She was timely in her responses, accurate with her information and we were able to complete our task within a short timeline.

Andrew Mittelstadt


Nomos employees are famous for their professionalism and huge experience in legal issues. As a notary, I can confidently recommend them.

Shorena Gogorishvili

Notary, Georgia

Lika is a rockstar lawyer! I'm using her legal services for real estate purchases, company openings, etc. She is very responsive and competent!

Christian Kaufeld

Internet Entrepreneur, Germany
Many thanks to Lika. She assisted me in setting up a bank account in Georgia. The whole process was smooth and efficient—everything was done in a few hours; consultation, introduction to the banker and receiving my bank cards. I'm genuinely impressed with the services!

Akhil Sahu


Lika Tsintsabadze is one of the best lawyers in Tbilisi. She defended me at Tbilisi City Court and won the case. She was very professional and intelligent.

Nikala Kelbakiani

Renovation Services, Georgia

One of the best attorneys in town, she helped me multiple times with legal consultations on business and taxes, which has helped tremendously.

Nona Karkuzaeva

Legal Translator, Spain
Nomos Georgia is a top tier firm and I would choose this firm above all others for its professionalism, services, results and advice. If you are looking for the best lawyers in town head to Nomos.

Nic Deane


Lika stands out as an amazing leader, who offers skilled and experienced legal services. I highly recommend Lika for any of your legal needs!

Irakli Zhvania

Managing Partner, Kudos Georgia

Lika has assisted me in a wide range of legal services for both business & personal activities in Georgia. She is professional, and an excellent negotiator.

Nathan Aston

Entrepreneur, United Kingdom
Nomos Georgia is a fantastic firm. Lika was amazingly helpful, not only with all the needs we came to her for but also with all the additional things we never even thought of. I can't give a higher recommendation to use her if you are looking for legal services in Georgia.

Joshua Trent


Lika is a fantastic lawyer. She is responsive, knowledgeable, and very detail-oriented. She walked me through the entire process and made sure everything was in order. I highly recommend.

Ryan Ottens


Our Legal Practice Areas

Business Law

  • Business and corporate transactions
  • Capital Markets (M&A)
  • Investment Law
  • Banking and Finance
  • Company registration (remotely/on-site)
  • Individual Entrepreneur Registration (1% Tax rate)
  • Virtual Zone Company (IT Companies, 5% Tax)
  • Cryptocurrency & Blockchain (VASP license)
  • Legal Address / Virtual Office

Civil Law

  • Family and Inheritance
  • Real Estate and Construction
  • Trademark Registration
  • Intellectual Property
  • Labor & Employment
  • Notary Services/Trusts


  • Immigration Consultancy
  • Residence Permits
  • Georgian Citizenship
  • Relocation Services

Dispute Resolution

  • Negotiation
  • Civil Litigation
  • Arbitration

Accounting/Tax Services

  • Tax and Customs Advisory
  • Accounting Service
  • Payroll Management
  • Financial Reporting
  • Tax Residency and ID number

Book a consultation with legal experts in Georgia

Our Latest Blogs
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News and Media
Nomad Capitalist Live 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nomad Capitalist Live 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

We are thrilled to announce that NOMOS Georgia had the honor of participating in the prestigious Nomad Capitalist Live 2024 event at the historic Majestic Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As the premier gathering for global citizens, Nomad Capitalist Live serves as a...

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LegalEx 2023, London, United Kingdom

LegalEx 2023, London, United Kingdom

We are happy to share that Nomos Georgia has participated in one of the most important exhibition of industry - Legal Ex 2023 held in London. Bringing together the most innovative solutions within this sector, providing platform for discussion. 

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Entrepreneur Georgia’s article about Nomos Georgia

Entrepreneur Georgia’s article about Nomos Georgia

Source: Entrepreneur Georgia Nomos Georgia is a Tbilisi-based company providing a wide range of legal services to businesses worldwide. The company specializes in corporate law and, with the involvement of qualified business lawyers and legal experts, advises Georgian...

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Doing Business in Georgia 2023/2024

“This Guide is a toolkit for investors who are planning to do business in Georgia. We will guide you through the key notes to start off efficiently and get to know the investment opportunities our beautiful country has to offer. We have collected the topics that are frequently discussed, thus we hope that our expertise will help you with your investment plans”. – Lika Tsintsabadze, Founder/Business lawyer.